Click here for Jennifer's script : Initiated with For The Hearing Impaired.
(Jennifer wearing Aquathin sport coat and graduation mortor board hat) "Welcome to Aquathin University! Even though Aquathin manufactures the finest water treatment systems in the world, they are only as good as the people representing them...and that's why Aquathin produces the best Dealers in the world! Aquathin Dealers are educated on the many water issues that exist and skilled at prescribing the best products to meet your needs...whether residential, commercial, industrial or laboratory. For you Dealers that have trouble finding time to train your new Team members, you can send them to Aquathin U... and in 3 days, we'll produce a Water Treatment Professional that anyone would be pleased to employ!" Every Aquathin U Grad receives textbooks, attache, videos and a beautiful Certificate (hold it up) of Achievement for insertion into their Presentation Manual...and to show their prospective Customers. Oh yea, Students and guests stay a beachside resort at Aquathin's Super Discounted Rate...pretty nice when you're up to your gills in bring the family too ! |