is absolutely theeeee most taken for granted item in the world. Most everyone
seems to think that "2 parts hydrogen and 1 part oxygen" is just plain and
simple. Nothing could be further from the truth ! Those little H2O guys
dissolve more stuff than anything else in the world...they can change physical
characteristics, react differently under different flow rates, pressures,
temperatures. They can be gentle and soothing...they can cut 10 inches of steel
and level cities ! They can heal and make grow, they can kill and starve.
Science books have thousands of pages devoted solely to water. Water careers
include hydrologists, oceanographers, geologists, mining engineers, dam
builders, ship builders, chemical engineers, navigators, divers,
horticulturists, breeders, hydroponics gardeners, meteorologists, drillers,
military, and a myriad of manufacturers of water using appliances and
components. Poets and religions of the world pay homage to the sanctity and
power of water.
Now... what you want to know pertains to your
needs in your area. That indeed is a major focal
point in the courses we teach at Aquathin University. Each Aquathin Water
Treatment Professional is educated to provide you with
the information you require about the water issues in
your area. Contact your local
Authorized Aquathin Dealer for the FAQ that is most important to you
! Thank you for considering Aquathin to provide your
family the very best in home water security.
25 Years Pure Excellence
Think Aquathin...AquathinK !!
Alfred J. Lipshultz, President